Friday, September 4, 2009


"Life is a box of chocolates." And the stages through which it makes one go are amazing. One joins a reputed B-school to pursue his interests in life. It sure would bring along its own additional perks... But then that really is just one aspect of it... He enjoys life to the core, does not care much about the rational aspirations which most of his batchmates share. But his motto to join the school was not something different! 'Learning' is a broad term indeed. Often it cannot be judged in terms of number of pages read or assignments submitted or grades secured... or so he believes. His learnings come by observing people, dealing with them, and making some friends out of them. What else could learning mean in a B-school known for making best people managers? He looks at people around him, all stars in their own way, and finds some of them especially interesting. These are the ones who keep running mindlessly after a few alphabets and mathematical symbols to be secured after every 3 months and hold them as the milestones to the sole path to Nirvana! He smiles to himself sitting on the stairs of the Gymnasium... They call him impractical. That's a nice word. He has seen people handicapped with limited power of imagination use that word before to him. And he has moved ahead in life without bothering to contradict those poor souls. It's no use, they just won't understand... He smiles to himself again and sips into the tea... Sometimes he feels the need to talk and explain to these people, to show them the light, to tell them what life actually is all about and how micro a view they are having of the word 'achievements'... But then they are so different from him, it's as if they won't even understand his language...